+31 492 59 32 00

General terms and conditions

The Logistics Services Conditions (LSV 2014, translated as ‘LSC 2014’), as filed on April 2, 2014, apply to all our activities (including loading, stowage and unloading performed by us) and legal relationships, with the exception mentioned below. With regard to transport we do not contract as carrier, but as freight forwarder only. In those cases “the Client” in art. 1 paragraph 11 LSV 2014 is replaced by “the carrier”. To these forwarding services , as well as to customs and tax services , the Dutch Forwarding Conditions of Fenex filed on May 1 , 2018 apply, with the exception of article 17 and 23, which are replaced by art. 13 and 14 (arbitration clause, in which the words “to which these Conditions apply” are deleted) of the LSV 2014. Applicability of conditions of the client is expressly rejected. English translations of the LSV 2014 and the Dutch Forwarding Conditions can be consulted and saved as pdf here:

Forwarding Conditions Fenex 2018
LSV 2014
